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What to Know About Cold Weather Shipping

Monitoring the weather is complicated and simply not enough. Not only do you need to monitor the temperature and conditions at your origin and destination points, but all the points in between, taking valuable time away from other essential logistics tasks. Therefore, here’s a breakdown of what shippers should consider as we head into the colder months.

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Sara Winters Sara Winters

3 Ways to Prepare for Autumn Driving

While it may seem like a subtle transition for a driver to make, there are a variety of challenges presented to drivers who may be taking up new routes in different areas of the country or those who haven’t traveled in areas of the country that experience a “true” winter. Here are three ways we think carriers should prepare for the roads as we head into Fall.

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Entrepreneurial Carriers and how Sparrow is Supporting

With the pandemic, the industry saw a 300% year-over-year increase in new registrations of new authority carriers and owner-operators entering the market. As we approach this new era of entrepreneurial carriers in 2022, it is necessary for carriers, shippers, and logistics brokers to work together to reach success.

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